the pernicious effect(s) of drinking too much alcohol 意味

  • アルコール飲用過多の有害な影響


        die after drinking too much alcohol:    酒を飲み過ぎて死ぬ
        drinking and eating too much:    drinking and eating too much 暴飲暴食 ぼういんぼうしょく
        stop someone from drinking too much:    (人)がお酒を飲み過ぎるのを止める
        pernicious effect:    悪影響{あくえいきょう}、致命的{ちめいてき}な影響{えいきょう}
        alcohol drinking:    飲酒{いんしゅ}
        have a pernicious effect on:    ~に悪影響{あくえいきょう}を及ぼす
        cut out drinking alcohol:    飲酒{いんしゅ}を控える
        drinking alcohol (sake):    drinking alcohol (sake) 飲酒 いんしゅ
        drive after drinking alcohol:    飲酒運転{いんしゅ うんてん}をする
        be too much:     be tóo [a bìt] múch 1 ((略式)) (1) 〈人?事が〉〔人の〕手に負えない,〔人に〕理解[処理]できない〔for〕 It's [Thát's] a bìt ~. それは言いすぎだよ[ひどいよ]. (2) [be too much of O to do]〈人が〉…するのはあんまりだ[ひどすぎる](cf.?TOO much ). be too much 2 ?muc
        to be too much:    to be too much 出来過ぎる できすぎる 多すぎる 多過ぎる おおすぎる
        too much:    too much 過大 かだい 余りにも あまりにも 余りに あまりに 余り あまり あんまり ひど過ぎる ひどすぎる 余計 よけい やり切れない やりきれない
        too much for:    ~の手に負えない、~には強すぎる、難し過ぎる The death of her baby was too much for the young mother. 赤ちゃんの死はその若い母親にはあまりに大き過ぎた。
        too much into:    《be ~》~にのめり込む
        too much of a:    あまりに~過ぎる


  1. "the permanent danger of radioactive fallout" 意味
  2. "the permanent effect of education" 意味
  3. "the permanent exhibition at the national gallery has some wonderful monets" 意味
  4. "the permanent way" 意味
  5. "the permit is issued by authority of the chief of police" 意味
  6. "the pernicious influence of religion upon world relations" 意味
  7. "the perpendicular style" 意味
  8. "the perpetrator of the crime appears to have made a leap of five meters from the balcony to the ground below" 意味
  9. "the perpetual puzzle of human life" 意味
  10. "the permanent way" 意味
  11. "the permit is issued by authority of the chief of police" 意味
  12. "the pernicious influence of religion upon world relations" 意味
  13. "the perpendicular style" 意味

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